This site was created to aggregate the information found researching Wickard v. Filburn. Our primary goal is to raise awareness about the case and educate fellow citizens about this landmark U.S. Supreme Court case.
It was our pleasure to be interviewed by Gary Gerstle for the BBC series The Compass: America, Laboratory of Democracy.
With support from interested citizens in the local community and beyond, additional efforts will include:
- Raising funds and lead the effort to install a Historical Marker on the site of the Filburn Farm commemorating the U.S. Supreme Court decision.
- Award college scholarships to high school seniors who write about selected topics regarding this case.
- Creating materials to supplement the curriculum for teachers educating their students about this important piece of Ohio History.

My interest in Wickard v. Filburn began a few years back when I heard it discussed by Mark Levin on the radio one day on my drive to work. A farmer from Ohio was involved and being from Ohio, it made me curious. Not only did it sound like an important case, but it also happened in my home state. After a bit of research, I discovered that the farm owned by Roscoe Filburn was almost in my backyard. I actually drove past it that day and every day on my way to work!
I started to talk to others about this case and it seemed no one – including lawyers, judges, teachers and “informed” citizens – knew about it. I wondered how such an important case which impacts each of our lives was not even known in the community in which it occured. The Filburn Foundation was founded to change that.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about us. We invite you to join our effort.
Ashley Breidenbach, Founder
The Filburn Foundation